Saturday, April 12, 2014


RELIC HUNTER # 4: MYSTERY AT AREA 51 "It cant be!" Professor Fox would say, as she gazed upon wonders, which had left many other "experts" dazed, and confused. Fact is, as Syd viewed the "collection", her eyes were wide, with wonder, as she gazed upon a "treasure trove", of information, which hundreds, of other Archeologists would have sold their families, to have access to this. As she stood before the colection, though, instead of copying the actions, of past critics, with the stupid "It cant be! It just cant be!", with ranting which had annoyed the military to no end, Professor Sydney Fox would take a different approach to her scientific wonder. Her response of "How is this possible? I mean, all of this". "How could they have done this?" was the response the miilitary had been hoping for, even as the colonel suggested "We were hoping, Professor Fox, that you could tell US". At university, Professor Fox, and Nigel Bailey, had been working on a paper, concerning the rationale, of building an undergrund base when, according to the modern, Christian, version, of history, our, current, society was the "height" of human achievement. ( or, were we?) There was just so much, about history, which was NOT understood, and so much, which had been discovered, but not explained, translated, or categorized. These were the reasons why Syd posed the question, to the on-line, Archeological, community. "Why would a group build a bomb-proof bunker, covering miles, of sub-surface area, several millenia before the modern creation, of bombs, bullets, tanks, and ships? What would have been the purpose, of such a shelter?" After posting this question, to the internet, Professor Fox, and Nigel Bailey, would return their attention to composing a series, of lectures, concering the "Ethics of Archeology", in regards to Ancient Studies. This, Syd had done since she had been most UN-impressed, with her students performance, at the corporate dig site, where the box, of crystals, had been found. When some of the students had asked "Whats the big deal? So what, if we "plant" a few items, to "find", later?" Syd had realized just how many, of her students had taken her class, just as a degree requirement. The students actually did not care if a site was "salted", with false relics. All the students cared about was a passing grade, then moving on, to other classes. Since her classroom "demonstrations" were, no-longer, proving effective, Professor Fox had decided on a new "attack angle". A way to judge which students were serious, about history, and which students just wanted the grade. The concept was to be simple. With the permission of the university board, Syd and Nigel would atke the students on a "beginning of semester" dig. Syd would choose a "low priority" site. Syd would, then, set her students to work, and find out which students were, really, interested in Archeology. Although the board gave Professor Fox permission, for her project, when she heard students, in the hals, asking what they shoulld take on a dig site, Syd posted a "Recommended Supplies" list, on the Ancient Studies web-page. What amazed Syd, though, was how many "hits" the page received, especially when this number exceeded her class size, by four, five, even eight times. With a call, to her friend, the army commander, Syd arranged transportation, and a "drop package", for those going out, on the dig project. What did not surrise Syd, at all, was how many students had heard the stories, about the previous "field trip". Syd was a bit dis-appointed, though, at how MANY, of her students, asked for "Dismissal", just to avoid the dig. Most students did admit that Ancient Studies was just a course requirement. The students had just hooped that this meant classroom work. The students had not signed up to "get dirty". Out of a class, of 25 students, Syd was left with only about a dozen, who were willing to go to the dig. When everyone was, properly, outfitted, Syd called the army commander, while Nigel herded the students. On the way to the dig site, when the students asked Nigel if Archeology could be truly "adventurous", Nigel thought of the relic hunters past adventures, thewn, in a bored voice, said "It can be". When the relic hunters arrived, at the dig site, Syd found out that the army commander had scouted out the best site, for the groups tents. When Syd smiled, saying "Your sense, of adventure, has returned", the army commander smiled back as he said "Yeah, it WAS in my other pants. The ones I am wearing, now, bby coincidence". At Syd's instructions, the students set up camp, while the soldiers watched. The army commander told Syd "This squad is NOT here, to suppress any of your finds. I have furnished them, due to regulations, about security, and safety." When a call came through, on his satellite phone, the army commander gave his code, said "Situation Green. Well in hand. No trouble to report." Syd looked at him, and the commander asked "What?", then added "Just a routine report. Required, even on home soil". As the survey proceeded, Syd found out about what she expected to find out. First, of all, she found out which students were serious, about the subject, at hand. This, she learned when she found two, male, students playing "Star Wars". The dig had just been an excuse to get away from school, for awhile. Syd placed disciplinary reports on each students file. As for the Archeology, itself, she, also found what she expected to find.. Some fire pits, and a few building foundations. In this "outdoor classroom", Syd described the rumors (history) of this place. If journas, retrieved from various sources, were to be taken as "facct", this place had, once, been a village. A pace where "excess" Negro women were "disposed of", by owners. When Syd asked her students "Who can tel me what was meant, by "disposed of"", and her students said "Put to death?", Syd said "Not necessarily. The phrase CAn, also, mean "abandoned, or "left to own devices". When a student asked "Which one applies here?", Syd said "THAT is what we are here, to try and discover". Continuing her lecture, Syd would say "Rumors suggest that, over time, loca males took on the females, as lovers, or even mates. Rumor also holds that some of the women actually learned to read, and write". When a student said "Big deal! Everybody knows that", Syd corrected the student, reminding them "Only in the 20th century was basic schooling available to ALL young people. In the time we beieve that this village exiisted, black children were denied even basic education." When a student stopped digging, to ask "If that were true, then HOW did they know about life, and survival?" When the student resumed their digging, Syd said "Good question. The answer is Instinct", then added "Within all of us is the basic will to survive. Regardless of WHO we are, there are some things we all understand". As Syd continued her lecture, Nigel sorted various find into eith "trash/junk", or "possible finds". Syd would continue "If rumor is correct, atleast a dozen, perhaps more, white, propertied, males, kept lovers, in this village". When a student asked "How can you, possibly, know that?" Syd would reply "This is another, equally important, part of Archeology. Research. Reading. A good Archeollogist spends plenty of time, before starting out, on a project, doing research. Reading, reviewing, and cross-referencing. Research is the reason why we are digging at this location, instead of inside one of your homes". Continuing her lecture "Rumor has it that, not only did land owners keep lovers in this village, but rumor also holds that, after a full generation, the land owners brought their sons as well". When a student began to ask "How could you....", then shut up, knowing the answer would be "Research". After the sun had set, and the camp lights were turned on, the students, and the army commander, asked the same question "What happened to the village?" Syd smiled, at the army commander, as she said "That is what we are here to discover". After just a few days, of digging, and finding a pile of bones, some fool suggested the villlagers ate one another, then died of "food poisoning". Nigel no-sooner said "Thats just sick", when Syd corrected the student, saying "If human flesh were poisonous, to digest, then we would, all, be dead, by now, since our bodies are made of flesh". As Syd looked upon HOW the bones were placed, in the ground, she suggested "I suspect that this was their version of a graveyard". When further site examination disclosed no childrens toys, or clothes, Syd had to remind her students that, for most children, "tooys" were a primarily 20th century creation. "Remember that, in the time of this village, the women sti nursed infants at their breasts". When one of the female soldiers said "Bummer", and Syd asked "Why?', the soldier said "Being forced to care for an infant, like that, for a YEAR, or longer?" Syd would remiind the soldier "Many women consider it an honor, or an achievement. Some even enjoy the practice". The soldier just shuttered at the thought. Just before the dig was to break camp, having found no additional evidence of the reasoning for abandoning life, in the village, one of the students went out, for some "night activity". Since the man had local relatives, Syd figured he was just going for a visit. She told him to be sure and report in, when he returned to camp. The next morning, the young man did return, looking exhausted, yet happy He would only report that his visit went "well". His only news was to inform Syd Professor, I did some research, of my own, and found out that the village was abandoned as the settlers moved on, to new "pastures". So, it wan't plague, rot, or "cannibalism", which wiped out the villlage. When Syd asked the student "Anyone sti living, locally, with ancestors in the village?", The student said "Just some great-grand-children. Everyone else is dead". As the group broke camp, the army commander received a satellite-phone call, then asked Syd "Professor Fox, after we return your students to the university, would you, and Nigel, accompany me, on another flight?" When Syd asked "Where to?", the army commander said "Area 51". When Nigel remarked "Not aliens", the army commander said "No, the brass have asked that you look at something, and give them your observations. Thats all I know. Just an invitation. The Pentagon is willing to compensate your time, and class schedule". When Nigel looked at Syd, he knew that look, on her face, and he knew what her answer would be. When Syd said "I guess it couldn't hurt, to take a look", the army commander kissed her, and said "Excellent, I will inform command". An hour later, back at her office, Syd found a voice-mail, which she did not recognize. Running virus scans, four times, in Nigels presense, Syd opened the message, to find a charming, young, half-breed, womans face looking back at her. When the ady said "Professor Fox, my boyfriend told me of your dig site, ast night. I wanted to leave this message so you could see I was being honest, with you. You see, I AM one of the latest generation, of descendants, of the village you were in search of. I am telling you this because, based upon stories, my brandma told me, it is possible that I just might be reated to my lover. Before you ask, Its not a direct link, like we have the same father, or anything, but grandma thinks she remembers hearing that a man, by the same name, as my boyfriend, fathered both a white family, and a black family. If grandma is correct, ours was one of the last families to move from the village. I am hoping you willl keep this in confidence, and not inform my boyfriend, until I am sure. I really hope he isn't my brother, since that would mean that I would have to stop loving him". After the message ended, Nigel asked "She thinks it could be ncest?". Syd said "It seems so". When Nigel asked "From tjhat long ago? Would it matter?" Syd said "If its that long ago, as she thinks, it could be just a coincidence, that the men share the same name. Besides, after so many generations, I doubt it would matter. Still, lets see if we can help her. After all, she has just helped us". Syd would file an un-official request, of the Geneaology Department. She would, then, join Nigel, and the army commander, on-board a plane, for the very place which the U.S. military said "Does NOT exist". As the plane approached the destination, the army commander reminded Syd "Just a word of caution. Once we land, stay INSIDE the inner perimeter, of the base". When Syd asked "They wouldn't harm a consultant, woulld they?", the army commander said "They have orders", in a tone which told both relic hunters to take the warning to heart. What Syd could not believe was how, upon landing, even the army commander, and the plane pilots, were strip-searched. Once dressed, in military coverallls, Syd watched as the base personnell dis-assembled the groups "drop package", then swept the entire load, for just about everything one could think of. Only after the inspectors were ceratin of exactlly what was coming into the base, down to the last ration pack, were the military personnel, and the relic hunters, allowed to enter the base. Inside a conference room, a lieutenant general gave the briefing, after explaining the need for secrecy. When slides were called up, on a projector, Syd was sure that Nigels thoughts were the same as her own. The relic hunters wre being shown slides, of a Hollywood space ship. Not un-like the "mother-ship", from the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". Syd was waiting to see how LONG the general would continue this obvious charade, before getting down to business. IF the generals briefing wa to be believed, the "caraft" the relic hunters were seeing, in the slides, had entered the atmosphere, scanned several Earth locations, with a "beam", of "un-known power", then just "cruised" over North AMerica, until it arrived at this location. The general claimed that the ship seemed to lose power, and descended, most "conveniently", over some hangar doors which, when opened, allowed the "ship" to settle into its current space. To Syd's thinking, though, this was, all, just too "convenient". A ship floats in, attracts attention, by scanning the land, then, "conveniently" floats directly over, to "UFO Central?" Finally, Syd stood up, saying "General, funs over. You have had your laugh. Now, my assistant, Nigel Bailey, and I, were ASKED to come here, and investigate SOMETHING. I suggest your finish this laugh, then show us what the military wAnts our opinion on. Either that, or get a plane ready to take us back to the university". The general responded "I assure you, Professor Fox, that this is very real, and it IS the reason you were invited to come". When Syd responded "If you want someone to check out your "toy", call Hollywood special effects. They can grade the quality of your "toy" much better than I can. We are relic hunters, not effects people".. When the general barked "Professor Fox! Your background is EXACTLY why yoou are here. This briefing is real. It is to prepare yoou for what you are about to behold". When Syd asked "And WHAT would THAT be?", the general responded "Follow me". Leading the way, the general would take the relic hunters on a "tour" of a pllace, so fortiified that even Fort Knox was nothing, by comparison. Syd could not believe that even janitors closets had key-pad locks. Everywhere they looked, the relic huters saw locks upon locks. At the entrance to an elevator, the general entered his personal code, even as Syd, and Nigel, felt overwhelmed, by the extreme security measures. When the doors, to the elevator, slid open, the relic hunters found the interior, of the elevator, to be even more antiseptic than the elevators, inside most hospitals. What amazed both Syd, and Nigel, was just how many sub-surface leves that this place had. At this point, Syd was wiling to admit that, atleast some of the rumors, about this place, MIGHT be true. The surface was more like a "scab" while the real work went on, deep under the ground. Descending several stories/evels, the group would emerge, from the elevator, only to have the general hhave to use his code, as wel as his ID card, for the group to even wak the hallways, of the subterrainian world. When Nigel saw the same security keypads, even on the restrooms, and whispered, to Syd, "What if a person has to "go", and I mean, really bad?", Syd whispered back "I guess they just have to HOPE they can holld it" Syd knew the group was closing on something important, since the number, of ID checks, and code entries, was increasing, and the group began seeing heavily-armed soldiers, standing at attention, along the corridor. After good knows how many security checks, the group finally arrived at the blast proof dor, and this is when the general turned to the group, saying "Brace yourself, for what you are about to see". Entering his code, on a keypad, then sliding his ID card through the reader, on the wal, a panel slid up, into the wa, and the general submitted to a retinal scan. This is when Nigel whispered to Syd "What have they got in there?", Syd whispered back "I think we are about to find out". Once the general passed a of the security checks, the blast door, slowly, and loudly, opened, by rising into the ceiling. As the door rose, the visitors passed underneath, and even Syd, and the army commander, were impressed at the size, and thickness, of the blast door. Beyond the massive door lay the hangar, in which was parked something that the relic hunters never dreamed they would see. Although neither of them could make out the dimension, of the space, since the only light was from the "ship", itself, Syd was sure this place would rank among the largest hangars she had, ever, seen. For some reason, though, the only light, in the space, seemed to come from the "ships" navigational lights. As the group approached the "ship", starring, and slack-jawed, the general directed Syd's attention to a section, of hull. When Syd looked at the section, the general said "We have been un-able to translate that, since we dont know the language. Tell me, have YOU seen it, before?" Although the symbols seemed to be in a pattern, similar to words, Syd could no more read the language than she could read cave paintings. As the group approached the "ship", a ramp descended, to allow entry. This is when Nigel froze. Looking up, at the "ship", Nigel would say "Syd, if you dont mind, I will wait here". Syd did not question him since she saw ral fear in his eyes. The general would say "No problem, son. Just stay right here, and wait for us" Nigel was like "No problem". As Syd, the general, and the army commander, entered the "ship", Nigel just stared at the THING, not knowing why it scared him, so much. Inside the "ship", Syd was surprised that it was even larger than it had looked, from outside. The general then showed Syd, and the army commander, wat the air force THOUGHT was the "ships" main control (or bridge), as well as the presumed cafeteria, and some, possible, crew quarters. Like the general said, as hhe directed attention to a glass panel "Athough this LOOKS like touch screen teh, no matter who touhes it, nothing happens". When Syd asked "power source?", the general said "You are not going to believe this, but follow me", and he lead the way, again. Passing other compartments, whose use the general admitted no one knew, the group came to what Syd thought was the "belly" of this "ship". The "engine room" was beyond anything any human had ever seen. If Syd didn't know better, she would thik that place was "alive". When Syd reminded the general "I am a professor, of Archeology, teaching Ancient Studies. Engineering is not really my field", the general said "Sorry, just wanted you to see this place, and get your impression". With that, the general said "Follow me", and the group eft "engineering". More towards the middle, or center, of the "ship", the general lead the way into what some people might call an art, or viewing "gallery". Here, Syd's eyes went wide, and her jaw dropped, as she said "Incredible". When the general said "Our thoughts, exacty, only what IS it?" As Syd beheld the wonders, of the expansive room, she was un-sure what to make of it, herself. In one display, she found an Anasazi warrior, standing at attention, eyes cosed, yet looking very much alive, despite wearing clothing which no indian tribe had worn, for centuries, atleast. The man was in his twenties, or thirties, firm of build, yet, somehow, "at peace". At another "display", Syd found "relics", from a tribe which human research had yet to identify. All the same, the artifacts ooked brand new. Syd then had a fleeting thought "What f these travelers were forgers. Copying what they saw, in modern materials?" Syd then saw other "displays", human, animal, and other artifacts, from various stages of Earths development. The problem was that, like the general, and the military, Syd could not read any of the "display" labels. The general asked if, given time, Syd could translate the anguage. Although Syd would agree to TRY, she suggested bringing in Wellington Johnston. When the general asked "The Atlantis nut? No thanks We have had enough of that, already". The general was right. Before calling in Professor Fox, the military had called in other inguists, but most had insisted that this "thing" was either a colony ship, or an attack cruiser. What had, reay, annoyed the general, to no end, was the "experts" haphazzard "translations", of the symbols. Even the military man could see that whole sections, of symbols, were being dismissed, in orde to produce "ominous warnings", of "impending doom". Now, Professor Sydney Fox wanted to call in Professor Wellington "Atlantis is real" Johnston. When Syd asked the general "What have you got to lose?" the general thought "My career". Instead, the general asked Syd "Can you trust him?", Syd replied "Generall, Professor Johnston has been telling his stories for a very long time." The general agreed "I know, we have a fille on him", this is when Syd added "Then, you know that people willl not take anything he says, seriously. Even the media will think it is just another "Atlantis" story". When the general asked "Are you SURE he can help?", Syd suggested "Let ME ask him". When given access to a computer, Syd found another, video, message, from the girl. In this one, the girl was happy as she said "Thank You Professor Fox. For ALLL your help. Your team helped me confirm that our common ancestor was long enough ago that it doesn't matter I can give my man all the children that he wants. Thanks again, professor" Nigel would say "Another satisfied customer", even as Syd located Professor Wellington Johnstons web-page When Syd managed to locate the web-page, she found a stdents complaint, which said "Professor Johnston was set up", then it went on to explain HOW a trouble-maker had been sent, to a party, where the intruder, ceaselessly, harrassed Professor Johnston, while faculty turned a "blind eye", to the incident. It seems that Professor Johnston took the bullies name-calling, as pollitely as possible, and for what was reported as seeming like an "eternity", no matter how bad the trouble-maker was, faculty ignored the trouble-makers actions. When the trouble-maker turned his cricism, on Atlantis, though, Professor Johnston had no-sooner put the man in his place, when faculty decided to SEE the PROFESSORS actions. Professor Johnston was placed on Disciplinary Leave, pending a full, university, board. The message contained a "link", to a student protest petition, which insisted thhat Professor Johnston had, in fact, been "set up", possibly by the board members, themselves. Syd was surprised to count atleast 500 signatures, to date, on the document. Neither she, nor Nigel, even thought that Johnston knew half that many students. As Syd followed Professor Johnstons web-page, she received a "ping", on her own e-mail. Thankfuy, it was from Professor Johnston. To be discreet enough, for military censors, Syd told Professor Johnston "Remember that last adventure we shared, and how YOUR translation helped save those kids?" When Johnston replied "Yes, I remember, quite well. A bit exciting it was, would you agree?" Syd answerd with another question "Would you be willing to join me, on another adventure?" Johnston asked "Whose fronting the bills?" Syd didn't know if she should mention the military, or the federal government. After al, it was the government, which, years before portal incident, had revoked Johnstons security clearance, after Johnston got into a confrontation, over whether Atlantis was a real place, or just a bed-time story. Johnstons security clearance had been revoked after the professor defended the possibility, of ancient technologies. The reason was that a few people worried that, if Johnston got "too excited", and lost control, as he had done, in the past, that the professor MIGHT reveal national security secrets. Result, his security clearance was revoked, and Professor Johnston had been barred, from any future research projects. Now, Syd's problem was "HOW to get Professor Johnston BACK on-board this project, within a confrntation". This is why Syd took a more personal approach, saying "Some friends of mine". Syd could say this, with total honesty, since the army commander, and his troops, had been friendly, and helpful, ever since she, and Nigel, met them. When Johnston asked "How soon do you want me?", Syd said "I can have a jet to your location, inside an hour." When Johnston asked "What kind of jet?", Syd said "A military jet" then added "It will be much faster than commercial airines". Professor Johnston no-doubt accepted since, at the moment, he had no other offers. It was either thing "military" thing, or a park bench. What surprised Professor Johnston, about the jet flight, was how friendly the air force personnel were. This was in total contrast to how he felt, when he lost his clearance. At that time, Johnston had felt like he was being shoved OUT the door. Just as Syd knew he would, and, as Syd had told the air force he would, once Syd had mentioned the poortal, and language, Professor Johnston was so engulfed, in reviewing a book, on language, and making notes, in his diary, about the in-competence, of fools, who put their OWN "spin", on translations, rather than doing actual transations. Actually, it was those, who paraphrased, too much, whom Johnston openly condemned. He had no probem, with exchanging new words, for old words, but he despised peoplle who "translated" words, like "take", to mean "seize". As Professor Johnston had pointed out, more than once, "take out" food was not "seized", by "force". When it came to translations, Johnston was a "dictator", to the truth. Direct translations, wherever possible, were his "friends". Johnston despised "paraphrasing", except to AID understanding. Although Professor Johnston suspected it was a test, along the flight, when a lieutenant spoke with him, about his work, with translations. This was a topic which Johnston enjoyed conversing about, since he enjoyed deivering factual information, while highlighting rumors as only "pure supposition". When the lieutenant asked about the fabled city, Professor Johnston would only say "You are young. I am old. Someday, you may have strong convictions. Just remember that not everyone will share your convictions. FACTS, you can share. Just keep convictions to yourself". By the end of the fight, Johnston had shared three, of his NON-classified stories, with the lieutenant, and Johnston stepped off the plane, feeling relieved, until he found out where he was. When he realized "I am in Area 51", then added "Crack Pot Central", for the nuts who believe our interstellar brothers would bother with us, before we "grow up", and abandon war". When Professor Johnston saw their military escort, and looked at Syd, she said "They are here to help, and to make sure we dont get lost". When Syd escourted Professor Johnston, to the hangar, Johnston took one look, at the "ship", and had the same, basic, expression, as everyone else had, upon a first view, of this craft. When Johnston hated Syd, pointing at the hull, and asking "Whats that?", Syd said "Now, you know why you are here. We need you to translate this, for us". When Johnston asked "Why not just let those super-computers, which the government owns, do the translation. I am sure the super-computers could "crack" this, in no time". Syd told him "THAT is the first thing they tried. No luck, nothing. Nothing, in any language data base, that we have access to, is a close enough match". When Johnston asked "The "egg-heads", at CIA?", Syd said "Not a clue". Johnston asked "What do those conspiracy-goons, at Homeand Security, think? I am sure that they can "create" a link, probably with their favorite enemy, Al-Qaida." Syd said "Homeand Security is stumped, as well". Syd showed Professor Johnston the various translations, which others had come up with. Johnston took brief looks, at each, then tossed them aside, when he realized most had "jumped over" whoe sections, of symbols, in order to make "translations" make sense. Professor Johnston did get a big, bellly, laugh, out of atleast one translation. The one which claimed some of the symbols were "star-patterns, planets, and ships". After a rousing belly laugh, which made even Syd smile, Johnston said "This willl take awhile. Like the language, at the portal, this anguage has not been in regular use, atleast here on Earth, for un-told ages. I cant just calll up Wikipedia, and ask for a transation". Syd would say "Just do your best", then she moved off, to continue her own assessment, of the "ships" relics. Over the next two months, Syd would scratch her head, many times, as she anallized various materials, and objects. The probem she, continually, encountered was "Data not a match for any records". In short, although items SEEMED new, or recent, materials tests kept showing that materials AGE continually "blew the top off" of the carbon-dating scale. Even computer assistance was of no help, as the database had no records, nearlly as old as the artifacts, on this "ship". While Syd scratched her head, and Nigel continued trying to catalogue, Professor Johnston would pull at his remaining hair, and pound his fists, on the desk, everytime he received "NO Match", from any language he tried. He even drew "No Match", for the fabled language, of Atlantis. This is when he wondered if going back, beyond Atlantis would do any good. The professor had gone back in time, over 50,000 years, yet had found no matches, for this language. The question he was left with was "If this language did not exist, then HOW, and WHY, was this "ship" covered in the symbols, often in repeating patterns? While the professors poured over every reference, which Nigel could find, the base general had continued to pace his control room, where soldiers, of every rank, of the military, were monitoring alll activity, in the area. The last "news" the general had received was a copy of Syd's video conversation, with a young, black, woman, who was thanking Syd for verifying that the woman was not DIRECTLY related to her boyfriend. Now, the two could have children. When a female lieutenant called out "Sir, you should see this", the general came to her station, and the woman reported "Professor Johnston has, somehow, accessed our weapons code database". When the general asked "Directly?", the lieutenant said "No, sir. It looks like he was reviewing an alpha-numeric database and, for lack of a better term, he stumbled upon the codes".. When the general asked "What is he doing with the codes?", the lieutenant said "He just seems to be ooking at them". When the general asked "Memorizing?", the lieutenant said "I dont think so.. He seems to be looking at a sheet of paper".. When the general said "Let me in there", the lieutenant stood, and the general took over her position Sure enough, Professor Johnston WAS comparing the paper, to the screen, as if comparing the contents of each, to the other. After a long moment, though, the professor just wadded up the paper, and threw it, then began programming a new search. The general stood, from the station, telling the lieutenant "If he does MORE than just LOOK, at military sites, inform me, immediately". When Syd and Johnston had exhausted all, available sources, and decided to give up, and present a negative report, to the general, the general seemed not-at-all surprised to hear the news. Syd had little more, to report, than that the artifacts, inside the "ship" pre-dated anything she had, ever, catalogued, before. Just how old was impossible to determine. Syd coulldn't explain it anymore than she could explain how the universe came to be. When the generall asked "Could this be a warship? Something sent, maybe, to gather samples? Maybbe report back to an attack fleet?" Syd responded "Hardly. Especially with the samples of the age of those things, on-board the "ship". When the general asked "Are you sure?" This time, it was Professor Johnston who spoke up, saying "I have not translated the language, yet, bbut I dont get the impression that this is a warship. Its more like a display, or research place, or..." And this is when Professor Fox chimed in, with him, unanimously saying "...or a museum". When the general asked "What?", then added "Who would go to all that trouble, just to build a flying museum?" Syd would ask "Why did we build the Smithsonian?", and Johnston added "The Louvre". That night, as Professor Fox slumbbered, in her BOQ room, she dreamed of a time, not long ago, bbut a distance from her current location. In her "vision/dream", Syd found herself back in that plain, white, jumpsuit, which she had worn, during her week, on that alien ship. She remembered how she had felt un-afraid, of those beings. Their minds were trained, as hers was. She was a scientist, in a place, full of scientists. Syd remembered the visions she had been shown. Visions of Earth, and of other planets. "Colonial outposts", the aiens had "said". The aliens were studying other planets, in order to understand their own planets past, and its possible fate. For hundreds of thousands of years, the aliens had visited Earth, in various time periods, gathering samples, and data. Syd was, then, shown a computer screen, on which symbols came to light. When she thought "I wish I could read this", the alien commander "said" "Focus on your alpha-numeric system (alphabet), then view the screen. Syd had chosen English since that was her primary anguage, and pictured the 26 letters, of the alphabet, in her mind. When she opened her eyes, and looked back, at the screen, she saw the symbols change into English. She then heard the "commanders" soft voice whisper "Remember". When Syd awoke, on her bunk, she felt herself smiling, as she heard the voice whisper, as though in her ear "Remember". She smiled as she whispered "I will". Athough it was the middle of the night, Syd found herself too excited, to return to slumber. This is why, with an escort close by, Syd returned to the hangar, and viewed the "ship", again. This time, though, the word "Remember" came to her, softly, Syd looked at the symbols, on the "ships" hull, then closed her eyes, and focused on the 26 letters, of the English language. All 26 letters, each focused upon, for a moment, to get a clear picture, of the curves, and angles, of each letter. Once the alphabet was clear, in her mind, like a portrait, Syd opened her eys, and looked at the hull, again. This time, what she saw made her whisper "I'll be damned". Come morning, Syd brought Johnston, the general, and her army commander friend, all, back to the hangar, and told each "Close your eyes, think of each letter, of the Engish language alphabet. One letter at a time. See each one, clearly, in your mind, beginning with "A", and proceed until "Z". After a few moments, of silence, she told them, softly "Now, open your eyes".. They all said "I'lll be damned" at the same time. When the four looked upon the hull, where the blue symbols were, the group watched as the symols dissollved, and were repllaced with the name "ATHENA". When the general asked "How?", Syd would say "Their technology is based upon brainwaves. THAT is why there are no inputs, on the bridge. The ship was tuned into its crews brain wave patterns" When the general asked "How do you know this?", the army commander spared Syd making a detailed expanation, by asking the general about a recent, coded, assignment. That is when the general said "Ofcourse, YOU are the Professor Fox, who spent a week among the aliens". As the group entered the ship, symbols, on the wallls, "dissolved" into English, before their eyes. Sure, there were some warnings, and cautions, but these were standard on all boats, and planes. Inside the museum, the displlays now showed dates, which seemed far into Earths future. Syd would remind the group "These people have been doing this research, amongst the stars, LONG before any Earth settlement ever existed.." The figures, men and women, were actual people, taken while resting, and stored, here, as a way to study mans evolution, over countless milllenia. What the humans found bizzarre was the number of times man had reached an advanced stage, of development, only to destroy it all, or abandon it, each time blaming technology for civilizations fall. The collection, of staffs, and swords, were tagged, based upon respective society, date of acquisition, and so on. What stunned the team was when they located an exhibit, of energy weapons. (We thought we were so "smart", developing lasers, in our 2th century). Turns out, our forebearers were not so primitive as we WANTED to believe. One rack contained energy rifles, from seven different societies, and seven different time periods. This, while three other racks contained various designs, of hand-held energy weapons. There were, also, displays, of conventional weapons, ranging from bbow-and-arrow, through powerful, automatic, hand-guns, and rifles. When the team found itself tiring, of "touring" the ATHENA, the team returned to the base cafeteria, to eat, then rest. During this time, the question, at hand, was "What do we do with it?" The general, ofcourse, said we needed to study those weapons. Take them apart, and learn to use them. This is when Sydney chimed in with "To do what? Destroy ourselves, AGAIN? Did you not READ those displays? That ship is a testament, to our past failures. Bombs and bulllets, NEVER, lead to peace. Just more destruction". When the general said "Professor Fox, I understand your feelings, but I have a job to do, and that job includes this item". The generall then told an aide that he wanted the weapons, from the ship stripped down, as soon as possible, and that the "occupants" would be interrogated, later. Syds concern was for the people, inside the ship.. Even if they did speak English (which Syd doubted), after being asleep, for thousands of years, to awaken, now, might be deadly. HOW would we explain, to the warriors, and the soldiers, that their worlds had been gone, for millenia? Thankfully, the general relieved the relic hunters, of their duties, and arranged transportation, back to the university, once the group was packed up, and ready. When Nigel looked back, at the ATHENA, he said "Its strange, but it doesn't scare me, anymore. Now, I know it is just a museum". Syd, however, stil marvelled at the wonders, which had created such a vesel. (Just as she remained enchanted bby the Viking Long-Ships). When Nigel asked "Syd, how OLD do you think this ship is?", Syd could only say "I have no doubt that carbon dating could not date the age. This ship is so far beyond our understanding". Syd thought she heard someone whisper "Correct.. You are leaving", and, in less than the blink of an eye, the ship, ATHENA, vanished. Syd didn't know how she knew, but she knew that the ship had been a lesson. Athena had been sent to Earth, either as a classroom, or a test of intellligence. Maybe both. Now, it was gone, its task completed. Oddly enough, though, ATHENA had not required the bbay doors to be opened, for it to depart. Nor had its departure set off any alarms. Syd figured this meant that the ship was here, of its own, free, will. At the final briefing, over the "lost" ship, Syd was glad when Professor Johnston gave the general, and his staff, the briefing. Good, old, Wellington. He could make the impossible make sense. Oddly enough, though, on the return plane ride, Professor Johnston received a cal, then re-joined Syd, and Nigel, as Johnston said "You wont believe this. The university has terminated the Disciplinary Action., and I have been re-instated, to faculty, with FULL priviledges". When Syd looked at her army commander friend, he smiled, and winked, and she knew what had happened. Syd made a mental note, to give him a very special "Thank You", when she had time. A week later, Professor Johnston was before his class when, again, a heckler broke into his "Glad to be back" talk, asking "Are you going to bore us, with more of that stupid, Atlantis, talk?" Professor Johnston looked right at the heckler, saying "I hope that, one day, you will find something, to be passionate about. Yes, history, the ancient world, and Atlantis, are my passions. My reason for being. My desire, here, however, is NOT to make "Atantis believers" out of you, but, rather, to sew the seeds, of passion, in you. It doesn't have to be history. It can be anything. Passion is the key. Be passionate, and I will have been a successful teacher. If I do NOT stir passion, within each of you, then I have failed, as your teacher". By the end of the day, the university campus was abuzz, about Professor Johnstons talk, abbout passion, along with its many, and varied, meanings. When Syd heard the buzz, she thought "Now, if only I could raise that kind of passion, in my OWN students".

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